Hottie Covers

 Starting to be obsessed with making small projects again. I've seen cheap version of these in the shops and the expensive ones in designer magazines.

So I thought I can make these. So with pen in hand, note book and all of my pattern books out I made this cover for my hottie as a tester for size.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed cables. This black one is for Mary's birthday present. I was going to do the cables in cream but I realized that Marys birthday was only a few days away. I promise the next one will be multi coloured!!!!


  1. Ooh something else I could knit!!! Wonderful stuff...made some hot water bottle covers a couple of years ago for the kids in fabric - furry pink with black spots....and furry purple....unforgettable really.....

  2. Oh look at you! A new blogger. Well done. And there is my friend Luvvie (alex) from about 30 years following you. She really is a Luvvie.

    The apron was a present from a much more recent but very good friend I made via the Blogtoberfest two years ago. We don't do blogtoberfest any more but we a solid friends. She and her husband have even been to stay here for the weekend and the blokes got on like a house on fire too.

    Blogging can be a lovely thing as well as a time waster. But I wouldn 't be without it now.
    Very good cheers
