I am little late this week. It has been a busy week since i last wrote as i am busy listing my yarns on Etsy and here. This has meant tidying up all the shelves as i went . Today i tidied my personal stash yarns and the bag fabric shelves. Tomorrow i need to list all of the yarns dyed for the shop. Eventually everything will be listed.
This has also meant that i have found 3 yarns for the next Curioushandmade mystery kal...yes i was suffering fomo!
This week i have completed crocheting the Arigurumi Octopus
by Mari-Liis Lille.
I use Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Tonals and a 3.5mm metal hook as this hook doesn't catch on the threads.I loved crocheting this toy its about 15cm in total length without pulling out the legs straight.
When i make my toys i always crochet into the stitch which gives the "knitted look"
I also line the area i stuff with stockings as this stops the toy fill from coming out between the stitches.
New cast on is the Curioushandmade TwinkleTwinkle Baby Blanket. As you can see i am using the Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmere Tonal. 4mm needles and no I did not swatch as this yarn is a sport weight...besides its a blanket. I will let you know how many balls i used when the blanket is completed.
All of my makes are on my Ravelry project page if you are interested. My Ravelry name is Bootsie1.
Saturday 29th afternoon tea is an Orange cake i made using my Thermomix Basic cookbook. Super moist and tangy.

Dinner with a difference was on Saturday night. Casserole of Quail from my Australian Womens Weekly French cook book. It was quite delicious.
Petey sunning himself during out 2sipknitncrochet meeting. He will be soon leaving us and going onto big puppy school in Sydney. Assistance Dogs Australia is based there and they are getting ready for the new recruits to continue on with the education to help people with disabilities. Yes we will miss him but we know he will go onto an enriching full life. The latest date is 13th July for departure.
Just on a final note of the horrific events that has occured during this week.. words are inadequate..Muted...I am listiening and i am learning.
Stay safe stay well